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Audubon Adventures for Homeschool Groups

Let the Adventure Begin!

Audubon Adventures for Homeschool Groups

Let the Adventure Begin!

We look forward to your homeschool visit at Trinity River Audubon Center!

We would like to ensure your visit is a great one! Please email if you are bringing a homeschool group to the center since we have updated our homeschool information and procedures:

1) All homeschool leaders and parents must review and sign our Homeschool Onsite Expectations & Agreement prior to your visit.

2) Due to the increased number of requests, we ask that you email with the preferred date and time of your homeschool visit. We will try to accommodate your preference, but please note that other programming may necessitate a different date. Please wait for confirmation from our team before visiting.

We also offer onsite programs for your homeschool group as well! Audubon Adventure Homeschool Classes at Trinity River Audubon Center provide an opportunity to explore the Great Trinity Forest and Blackland Prairie. Each class will focus on a different topic designed for your Homeschool Learning Pod. These TEKS-aligned programs are perfect for students 8-12 years old. To schedule a paid program, please contact Jake Poinsett at or 214-309-5850.

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