Trinity River Audubon Center is located in the Blackland Prairie ecoregion, one of the most endangered ecoystems in the nation. The plant communities within this ecosystem are mostly tallgrass prairie and originally stretched from the Red River towards San Antonio. It is coined the Blackland Prairie due to its dark, rich fertile soil that hosts a vast array of plant life. Unfortunately, the richness of the soil is also one of the causes for its demise. Most of the prairie has been converted to cropland, overgrazed, or developed. Today, less than 1% of this ecosystem remains intact. Becuase of this, grassland dependent birds have declined by 53% since the 1970s.
We are actively restoring the grassland plant communities at TRAC to provide critical habitat for these imperiled birds and associated organisms. Many of the birds and other animals we are restoring and protecting habitat for are Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Texas. Some of these species are also Climate Threatened or Climate Endangered status based on the National Audubon's Climate Initiative work.
If you would like to help with our restoration efforts, email jake.poinsett@audubon.org to learn how you can get involved!
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Conservation and outdoor education along the Great Trinity Forest and the Trinity River.